(2) (All In) COURSE Ⅰ: Immediate Pain Relief - The Basic Technique

Patients seek fast relief. This amazing technique provides that. This is NOT Acupuncture, AK, or EFT. It is newer and proven to be more consistently effective.

Watch this 2 minute video demonstration of the fastest pain relief technique in chiropractic.

This simple fast pain relief procedure will keep your patients coming back.

The Primary Tool in all of health care is
the guiding energy in Your Patient's Body

The most important aspect of all life is the energy sustaining it, yet in modern healthcare it is the least understood. Present-day healthcare's lack of understanding of life energy promotes the false premise to cure disease; the practitioner must target the disease.

The science of life is physiology. The Textbook of Medical Physiology, 10th edition by Guyton M.D. and Hall Ph.D. describes life as an “automatic sequence of life;” it turns out it is not so “automatic” after all. Every activity in your patient's body is guided by an intelligence. The intelligence is as pervasive in your patient's life as the energy frequencies are it uses to guide life's functions.

The State Energy Remedy® System uses the term Intelligent Autonomic Mind to define the intelligence that controls all body functions.

To effectively affect your patient's disease state, you must understand the role the Intelligent Autonomic Mind plays with the energy frequencies it directs. Once you know the control the Intelligent Autonomic Mind has over body activity; you will learn how to communicate with your patient's Intelligent Autonomic Mind. State Energy Remedy® Academy instruction provides that for you in Course I.

With State Energy Remedy®, you approach disease correction by focusing on energy communication, rather than just relying on your own judgment based on knowledge. That is not to say you will not make decisions; you will. To achieve the best outcome when treating an illness, it's important to communicate directly with your patient's Intelligent Autonomic Mind.

When determining the source of a condition, if asked the correct questions your ill patient's Intelligent Autonomic Mind will always give the correct answer. Correct questioning takes the etiology of the illness away from you, the Doctor, and places it directly on your ill patient’s Intelligent Autonomic Mind.

The rules for communicating with your ill patient’s Intelligent Autonomic Mind and the correction of the finding you will learn in this State Energy Remedy® Academy school. (A hint, it is much like the computer's binary communication.)

Here is what Doctors are saying about State Energy Remedy®

"State Energy Remedy® is a fresh approach to healthcare and a large step forward for chiropractic.” Dr. T. B.

“Dr. Ron, just had to tell you that it (State Energy Remedy®) is as truly as amazing as you say it is. I’ve been wowing patients, and having a blast, having a blast. Used it on a buddy of mine that has an artificial knee and reduce a whole bunch of the pain, on the artificial knee, believe it or not and things are cool. " Dr. M. C.

A patient's statement about State Energy Remedy®

Letter from a Migraine sufferer to her Doctor of Chiropractic after being treated with the State Energy Remedy® technique.

Dr. G, (student of Dr. Masters)

I have suffered from migraines for years. I recently came to you in the middle of a horrible migraine with ice pick pain in the right eye and a tornado whirling around in my head. To my great surprise you were able to abort the headache and I did not need to take Imitrex.

I wondered if it was a fluke--no chiropractor had ever been able to help me before with migraines let alone abort one in progress. I was so grateful that this new technique you used worked. Plus I did not get a rebound migraine which happens when I take Imitrex.
Then a week later, another migraine and you were able to abort that one. And a week later in the throws of another migraine, you fixed that one too.


I am truly amazed and so happy that I just had to sit down and put this thank you on paper.


Most sincerely,

Gl (patient)

This patient statement is representative of a daily occurrence in a D.C.'s office using State Energy Remedy®. Find the condition's insulting energy frequency, dissipate it and normal healthy body function returns, many times to the amazement of the patient and the doctor.

The above statement of patient appreciation will happen to you during each visit as you begin to use the State Energy Remedy® Technique. Your patients will be amazed and sometimes overwhelmed by the speed at which you are able to resolve their pains and symptoms.

In Course Ⅰ which instructs on how to approach acute conditions of pains and aches, you will see that the Course is made up of Exercises. These Exercises are between five and 10 minutes long. The Exercises use images, videos and text to help you learn. Each of the Courses uses the same pattern for effective instruction.

It is important that you begin to apply what you learn after each Exercise because while you will gain knowledge, knowledge without action will not produce results. Each Course in the State Energy Remedy® Academy is built on a previous Course. Just as each Exercise within the Course is built on the previous Exercise . It is important that you practice what the Exercise presents so that you may become proficient in the technique application.

You will quickly become proficient applying the technique in your practice if you stick to the rules and the basics. There are no shortcuts, there may be different methods of applying what you learn. You will be able to share those different applications at a future date. Don’t be in a hurry to improve upon the Technique until you have completed all of the courses.

Caution: You may know you have knowledge of some of the exercise subjects. but I assure you not in this application. It is important that you set aside all that you have knowledge of and follow the State Energy Remedy® as presented.

I congratulate you for looking for something that is even greater than you already have in your practice. You will find the State Energy Remedy® Academy instruction courses will supply you with that something you have been looking for. Putting fun back into your practice by producing immediate results is amazing and a financial blessing.

Course Curriculum

  Course I: Section A - Introducing how the immediate elimination or major relief of your patient's pain or ache works. (Refresh your browser after each login for the latest Course editions.)
Available in days
days after you enroll

Your Instructor

Dr. Ronald Masters II
Dr. Ronald Masters II

Ronald Masters II, D.C. F.I.C.C.

Personal: Residence: Mason City, Iowa.

Boy Scout involvement: Weblos - Eagle Scout - God and County Award - Order of the Arrow

Education: Graduate Mason City High School, Northwest Institute of Medical Technology; Attended Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Iowa,Graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic

Postgraduate education: Palmer College of Chiropractic; Northwestern College of Chiropractic; Logan College of Chiropractic; Cleveland College of Chiropractic; New York College of Chiropractic; Los Angeles College of Chiropractic.

Professional: Masters family of 10 Doctors of Chiropractic - Presently in over 50 years of active chiropractic practice. -Fellow of the International College of Chiropractic, Lifetime - Developer and instructor of State Energy Remedy® technique - Consultant practice management - Chaired Iowa Board of Chiropractic Examiners for 9 years - Iowa Chiropractic Society member, Lifetime - Iowa Chiropractic Society Parliamentarian; Recipient I.C.S. President's Awards - I.C.S. Outstanding Iowa Chiropractor Award; Iowa Chiropractic Society Board, Past; Chiropractic lobbyist in Iowa legislature, Past - Health Care Equalization Committee, Chair Past; Iowa delegate to the American Chiropractic Association, Past - President of ACA Technic Council, Past

Community: First United Methodist Church Member - Masonic Lodge member - Member Masonic Shrine - Member Mason City Noon Rotary - Member Mason City Chamber of Commerce - Moose Lodge member - Mason City Jaycees, Past President - Toastmasters, Past Area Award winner - Past Member Cerro Gordo County Conservation Board, Past - Chair Mason City Cable Commission - Past Chair Mason City Iowa’s 2010 Strategic Plan Success Committee

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
I would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact me in the first 30 days and I will give you a full refund.
May I skip courses?
Skipping a Course is not recommended, because the State Energy Remedy technique is energy based. The doctor must approach all conditions from an energy perspective. It is a mindset that is difficult to maintain since your practice has been so physically based. By physically based I mean, spinal based, physiotherapy use, acupuncture (needle and otherwise), and all other techniques commonly used by the chiropractic profession to effect healing. The Academy Courses are designed to gradually introduce the energy concept to the doctor in an acceptable manner, therefore, skipping Courses will cause difficulty for the doctor to understand and maintain an energy perspective that is so necessary for accomplishing successful results when treating the patient with the State Energy Remedy technique.
I am familiar with AK and other energy work, is it important to take each course in order.
You and your patients will benefit with amazing responses from the instruction of each course. The single courses are designed to give you tools that will work in your office. The reason State Energy Remedy is not taught in one single course is that it is not only a new technique but a whole new approach to treating disease. If you piecemeal.it in your practice you will not get the results promised, nor will your patients get the response they expect. The benefit of taking the courses one at a time online, aside from the cost savings, is you will practice them in your office as you learn the technique and understand the reasoning behind it. Then it will become part of you and you part of it. This results in better understanding and greater results in your office and your income with less stress.
Is someone that knows State Energy Remedy available to answer questions
Yes, definitely, If you have a question or clarification, use the comment section and I will get back to you. You may also email me. If enough doctors ask the same question I may evaluate the course for changes or hold a webinar on the subject.

This course is closed for enrollment.