Chiropractors have scientific proof that the original chiropractic approach to subduing disease is and always has been correct. The Chiropractic profession got sidetracked by its own discovery. The spine is a tool; life’s energy is the subject.

The interruption of life supporting energy causes disease. However, the interruption is not at the spinal level. The interruption of life supporting energy causing disease is at a much different level which makes it easier and quicker to correct.


According to science, there is a singular cause for all diseases and discomforts. That singular cause is Insulting Energy Frequencies. Insulting Energy Frequencies cripple life-supporting frequencies causing a disruption in the message.

Doctors of chiropractic are the only healthcare professionals with the education and understanding to handle insulting energy frequencies.

You remove the patient’s insulting energy frequencies and you establish yourself as the primary doctor to all other doctors because you correct the uncorrectable. The only chiropractic technique capable of treating insulting frequencies is State Energy Remedy®.

For years, I labored under the misimpression that the cause of disease is the nervous system being pinched at the spinal cord by misalignment of the spinal column. Science has not been able to verify that statement. Now I know that cause is not what chiropractic is about. Chiropractic is about energy and the energy that flows through the body, nerves and cells.

Chiropractic was not designed to be a musculoskeletal therapy. It was designed to be an intelligent energy therapy.

Spinal-based Chiropractors will always be Alternative Health Care practitioners. Why? The results we get with disease are inconsistent at best except for spinal conditions. So, we focus on spinal conditions since it is where we get the most consistent results and patient satisfaction.

The State Energy Remedy® (SEREM®) ability to identify and neutralize Insulting energy frequencies empowers Doctors of Chiropractic to function as Primary Care Practitioners. With it we can deliver fast and consistent outcomes for body conditions beyond spinal conditions while ensuring excellent patient satisfaction.

Ronald Masters II, D.C. State Energy Remedy® Academy director

The State Energy Remedy® Academy instructs the exciting new system of healing that embraces the original Chiropractic premise, "The Origin of Disease is Energy Interference." This new healing system goes beyond the nerve energy interference theory of early Chiropractic and embraces all Human Frequency Energy interference. The new system of healing is State Energy Remedy®.

State Energy Remedy® defined:

  • "State" is the presenting condition of the patient's body.
  • "Energy" is the quality of Life energy that causes the patient's State.
  • "Remedy" is the application of the technique to change the quality of the patient's Life energy, therefore changing the patient's State.

This is a preview of the basic State Energy Remedy® technique.

An example of the 42 second technique.

The Purpose of Chiropractic is not limited to the spine, the spine is a tool that is a means to an end. Chiropractic is about Reducing Interference to Human Body Energy.

Allbert Einstein's Quantum Physics discovery "Everything is Energy" opened a whole new avenue of healing to healthcare that no profession has taken advantage of except by accident. Chiropractic comes the closest with our Nerve Interference Theory of Disease.

Science agrees that everything is Energy, including the source of Disease conditions. Treating the Disease's expression (diagnosis) and not its cause (energy interference) will never change the Disease. That is similar to changing the painting in an effort to change the painter. All successful treatment of Disease has accidentally affected the Insulting Energy Interference causing the Disease,

This Academy instructs the State Energy Remedy® system of healing based upon the scientific evidence "Everything is Energy" and expands the original nerve interference premise to all Human Energy interference. The result is The Insulting Frequency Theory of Disease, which has been clinically tested for over 20 years on thousands of patient visits with consistently exceptional outcomes.

How the State Energy Remedy® technique can produce consistently fast responses.

A simple example of this principle is a lighted room. The room with light is the STATE of the room. The light is the expression of ENERGY. Changing the light's expression when the room goes dark requires an energy switch, the REMEDY. The same principle applies to Disease. Interfering static energy causes Disease that is expressed as the body's STATE. The State Energy Remedy® technique approaches Disease in the same manner as a lighted room gone dark by detecting and correcting the insulting frequencies that interfere with the body's healthy expression. That is the reason the State Energy Remedy® technique is so consistently effective.

Here are the Courses that instruct State Energy Remedy®. To view the curriculum of a Course, click on the Course's icon. Thank you so much for being open to furthering your ability to give a sick world the experience of health.

It is the start of an exciting rebirth of your practice experience. You will gain confidence in what you do. You will be open to new and exciting results happening in your office before your patient leaves. Your patients' quick responses are as much a joy to you as to them. You can practice years past the normal retirement age if you choose, because of the no-impact State Energy Remedy® technique.


To view the Course offerings of an Academy package, click on the package, then click on any Course in the package.

Every State Energy Remedy Academy Package and Course is backed by a 99-Day Money Back Guarantee.

99 Day

The 99-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee is the strongest because I firmly believe you and your patients will benefit more than you ever thought possible. The technique is backed by science. Your participation will go a long way in moving our profession to the position in health care it deserves.

Your Doctor of Chiropractic degree is equal to, or greater than, a degree in Medicine. You were required to pass stringent National and State license examinations. You are held to a higher standard than all other healing professions. Then, you are limited to the Spinal Column to heal patients. That doesn’t make any sense at all. The State Energy Remedy® technique frees you to practice the full scope of your education for your patient’s benefit. With the State Energy Remedy® technique, you become a Doctor of body systems as well as a Doctor of the spine. The results are fast and repeatable with each of your patients.

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