(All In) COURSE XII Cranial Nerve Evaluation, Involvement and Clearing

A previously untouchable Cranial Nerve problem becomes responsive now as never before when identifying and clearing Insulting Frequencies.

Cranial Nerve evaluation and care

If there ever was a difference in the physical approach to healing versus the Insulting Energy Frequency approach to healing, it is best demonstrated working with Cranial Nerves.

The nerve energy in the Cranial Nerve system cannot effectively be cared for with a Spinal Chiropractor’s approach, nor can it be cared for with the numbing drugs or surgery by a Medical Neurologist approach. The State Energy Remedy technique is proven to be effective treating Cranial Nerve based conditions.

A good example is the vast number of people who have to have their throats stretched every three months because they cannot swallow food effectively. That is the medical approach to restricted swallowing. The spinal chiropractor may, on occasion, happen to affect the condition with an adjustment, but not so consistently that the patient can count on relief each time.

When using the State Energy Remedy evaluation and clearing of insulting energy frequencies approach to restricted swallowing, the response is quick and secure each time, because the compromised Cranial Nerve is freed of insult.

Your Instructor

Ron Masters DC
Ron Masters DC

I am one of 10 chiropractors in my family. We are three generations practicing chiropractic. It goes without saying, chiropractic is in my blood.

Over the years, I kept accurate statistics, managing my spinal practice. To my dismay, the statistics revealed 13% of my patients didn't respond, no matter what I did. My chiropractic philosophy said all of them should've responded.

During 50 years of practice, I have been fortunate to have known and studied under the technique greats of our profession, and still, 13% of my patients did not respond. I searched almost in desperation to find out why my philosophy and understanding of the body's activities didn't result in more people responding.

In 1997 I had a personal experience that completely changed the way I approach the body's ills and my practice. I had a severe lower abdominal pain that would not go away until I inadvertently applied a simple percussion and it disappeared. Not an EFT Tap, a percussion to an area that had never before been documented to have a specific energy connection to the body.

That revelation opened up an entirely different way of dealing with human illness. I can say that now 99.9% of the time each patient I have worked with has responded. It does not work on wounds such as gunshot wounds when the bullet or similar artifacts are still present.

For the general population to benefit from this amazing healing procedure, I taught seminars to over 100 doctors. I soon realized that I was not going to be able to make this available to the general population so, I have developed these online courses in the hopes chiropractors such as yourself will see the benefit of giving this care to your patients.

Course Curriculum

  Preface - COURSE XII Cranial Nerve Evaluation, Involvement and Clearing. (Refresh your browser after each login for the latest Course editions.)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Course XII Section A: Cranial Nerve Function and Insulting Frequency Evaluation and Clear
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Course XII: Section B: Cranial Nerve Evaluation and Clearing
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
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